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Friday, November 25, 2011

ING Orange Account - Black Friday $107 bonus

I love our ING Orange Account! I opened it for a few reasons: I wanted a checking account that I could earn interest on, and I wanted the bonus for signing up! I really like seeing interest getting added every month to my account (granted, it's not a huge amount, but it's getting DEPOSITED not withdrawn!) And the $50 bonus? Well, it was a bonus! After using the debit card just 5 times, I got the $50 deposited into my account. Gotta love that!

It's super easy to pay bills from the account, transfer funds between this account and my local bank . . . and if I wanted to, I could write checks (but I use my local bank account for that instead). All like a regular bank account, except for the brick and mortar part of it.

Right now, for the next 3 days, ING is offering a sweet deal: get a $107 bonus for signing up with them in the next 3 days (by Sunday). Yay! That's better than the bonus I got this summer.

I receive no compensation or bonus for telling you about this. This is just my personal opinion about this product: and it's just such a great deal/bonus that I wanted to share it with you!

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